Mixing and matching your jewelry is one of the hottest trends right now, but it can be tricky. So we’ve rounded up 5 great ways to mix and match your jewelry to keep your style looking glam!
If you’re new to mixing and matching your jewelry, start with one key piece that works as the center of your look. Then, build your collection around it to create a statement outfit without overdoing it.
It’s a long-standing fashion rule that you should never mix jewelry metals. But the good news is, mixing and matching your jewelry can be a stylish way to create new looks.
One of the best ways to combine different pieces is to layer them. This can be done in a number of different ways, including wearing multiple necklaces or rings of varying lengths or thicknesses.
However, if you’re new to mixed-metal jewelry, it’s best to start small and work your way up. A simple ring in silver and gold can be an easy way to get started. You can also try a pair of stacked silver earrings or silver and gold cuffs.
Mixing shapes with other jewelry can be a fun way to create new looks. It also helps you show off your skills in creating patterns and designs that stand out from the crowd!
Using a variety of shapes can also help you make images that have a clear message. This can be particularly useful when working with geometric patterns, which often have multiple meanings.
For example, Neo Lab uses diamonds of different sizes, arranged in ways that guide the viewer’s eye. Finnish Summer, on the other hand, uses diagonal patterns to create a visually appealing collage.
The best way to create a successful jewelry store is to stock items that will appeal to a variety of customers. For example, one of the best ways to attract a younger demographic is to offer fun and engaging jewelry making classes. A well designed and executed introductory class will be a keeper for your business. For example, one of the most popular classes is an intro to bead binning course. Providing your students with the best bead making tools in a fun and engaging setting will be a win for all involved. The resulting students will be more than happy to come back for more.
Jewelry is a great way to add personality and style to an outfit. It’s also a fun way to try out different styles and create new looks.
One of the best ways to mix and match your jewelry is to layer it. Stacking bracelets and necklaces is trending right now, and it’s easy to do.
You can also mix metals in pieces like earrings and cuffs. Pair a silver ring with a gold cuff to add a bit of depth to your look.
If you’re trying to work mixed metals into your everyday wardrobe, it’s important to keep a few key things in mind. First, gold jewelry looks better on people with a warm undertone, and silver jewelry is more flattering on cool-toned skin.